
Showing posts from August, 2017
We're now half way through our run of shows at the Pear Tree. Attracting in big audiences, I must say.  There has been a lot of good feedback from attenders. See our Facebook page for audience reviews. I'm too tired to post them here...
Review of Powderhall Arms gig “On Wednesday night it was my good fortune to find myself at the Powderhall Arms in Edinburgh where the Professors of Logic were performing. The Professors is a five piece band of experienced musicians who have been rehearsing for six months and have just began playing in public. They are very good, highly original and well worth seeking out. The members of the band are Linda Campbell on piano accordion, Alan Grieve on guitar, Wilf Smarties on bass guitar and Sandie Benzie on saxophone. They are fronted by vocalist and fiddle player  Anna Durkacz. It is hard to pigeon hole The Professors into any particular musical genre. On the face of it you would be tempted to describe them as folk rock but they are too raunchy to fit that title. The bass guitar thumps along and is a major part of the sound, the fiddle playing lends more to hard rock than folk and is hugely complimented by the piano accordion and it’s almost as if these instruments are talking...
Review of gig at Powderhall Arms I think you play really decent, genuine stuff, i.e. harmonious music, melodious songs with witty lyrics, fully alive / authentic instruments and reliables who played them. Of course I'm not professional reviewer or critic but as an ordinary listener I can truly say that I just really liked what I'd witnessed. It's a pity I wasn't able to listen to all your gig, but you know... job is job... If you'll make any recordings, pls. remember to let me know about it - I must have them! Gugi (Bass player, The Jazz Romantics)

upcoming gig at the Powdehall Arms

Professors of Logic sing Coming of Age  gig at the Powderhall Arms  Broughton Place, Edinburgh Wednesday 9th August 8.30pm - 10.30pm.