
Showing posts from July, 2017

Al and Anna at the Argyle Association. Linda down with Lurgy. Last men standing.

Last August Linda and I were at a jazz weekend in Perthshire, where at the end of the course I got the opportunity to stand up on stage and sing a Billie Holliday song with a real live jazz band, with a double bass and stuff.  I was in heaven.  To this day I don't know how I had the nerve to volunteer myself to do this.  Never ever had I done anything like this before, in my wildest dreams.  Well, the adrenaline rush took hours to wear off, and all the way home, motoring down the M90, I began composing "My Fantasy Blues Band", which later became my first song.  Linda said to me "You know, it doesn't have to be a fantasy." An interesting juxtaposition of events, including the Edinburgh Jazz Summer School, and a week-long course in music production at the Academy of Music and Sound, had led up to this moment of epiphany. So that's how it all began: just a laugh to start with.  Then suddenly, I was drawn into this weird creative vortex,  and on an equin...
The lovely Sandie Benzie - at last, a photo!
I only started writing and singing my songs last September: that's less than a year ago.  Never having sung with a band before, I'm scared of forgetting my words or just totally freezing up. From time to time I step back in shock, and wonder what I've let myself in for.  I reckon the key is preparation.  I just hope there is enough time left before the Festival.  It's hard enough to get the band together for a rehearsal, never mind a gig.  Luckily the band members are all fantastic musicians and have fed in a lot of ideas to the final arrangements. The truth is, once I'm singing, I just love it.  The songs were never intended to be funny: I always start trying to write something deep and meaningful, soulful and melodic.  But somehow, they quickly turned into hysterically wacky pieces. I was obviously not meant to be a serious poet.

Press Release - Coming of Age


The Band
